V angličtině se zájmena dělí poněkud jinak než v češtině:
zájmena osobní
- You just don't understand, do you?
- I was born in January.
zájmena přivlastňovací
- My dog is bigger than yours.
- I like her sister, she is adorable.
zájmena ukazovací
- It doesn't get any better than this.
- They say that this is better than that one.
- Theses magazines are more fun than those.
zájmena tázací
- What kind of drinks do you like?
- Who stole my bicycle?
- Whose book is this?
zájmena vztažná
- Jane did all the work that I was supposed to do.
- He is the man who stole my bicycle.
zájmena neurčitá
zájmena zvratná a zdůrazňující